steps to Getting licensed and contracted.
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complete these steps if you have your life insurance license.
Step 1. Click the blue link, download and fill out the Producer Packet, (click here). Answer all questions. This process can take up to two weeks depending on your situation.
Send the completed packet to, bobby@vantagelife.net. Make sure your producer packet is complete. Don't forget to attach a copy of a voided check, the account you want your commissions deposited.
Step 2. After you have submitted your producer packet, you will receive 2-3 carrier contract request emails from lmorales@laaminc.com. It's imperative that you complete these requests, if you don't we can not get you contracted with the insurance carriers. Below is an example of what the carrier contract request emails look like. Make sure your ALM certification and your E&O insurance coverage is up to date, if not, this will delay the process. If you need any help contact Bobby Baker at 458-201-0713.
If you don't have your Life insurance license, follow these steps.
Step 1. Sign up for your life insurance license course IMMEDIATELY.
Go to www.prelicense.com and register for the LIFE ONLY course for your state. It's a 20 hour online course and can completed from any web enabled device with a internet connection. You should be able to complete the course within 7-14 days. Don't take any longer than 14 days to complete, otherwise you will drag it out and have a harder time completing the exam. For a discount on your study course type in the promotional code, bobbybaker.tka@gmail.com. During check out, the cost of the course should only cost $59.
Step 2. Book your test exam day before you start studying.
Use Google Search to locate a life insurance exam testing center in your area. Call them to book your state exam. We would STRONGLY encourage you to set up your test date no more than three weeks out.
Put yourself into a “HAVE TO SITUATION” human beings will normally get it done, when they “HAVE TO.” The state exam will cost around $60-$70.
Step 3. Fingerprinting:
During or before you take your scheduled exam, you will need to get fingerprinted. Check with your state or exam testing center for details.
Step 4. Register for your National Producer License Number.
Go-to http://www.nipr.com and register, the cost is around $80. After you register you will be in the system to get contracted with the insurance carriers.
Step 5. Get covered, purchase your errors and omissions (E&O) insurance.
After you're licensed you'll need to obtain E&O insurance, for one million in coverage. This insurance protects you from mistakes that you could make while taking applications. It's very unlikely that you'll ever use this insurance, however most all insurance carriers require it before you submit any applications. This insurance will cost about $110 per quarter (every four month billing cycle), you can pay monthly. Here's the link to CALSURANCE, the company we recommend.
Step 6. After you've completed all of the steps above, click the link below:
Download and fill out the Producer Packet, (click here). Send the completed packet to, bobby@vantagelife.net Be sure the producer packet is complete, don't forget to attach a copy of a voided check, the account you want your commissions deposited. If you need help with any part of this step contact Bobby Baker at 458-201-0713.
Step 7. Celebrate! You're well on your way to an exciting chapter in your life. More money, a rewarding new career, while helping families protect their homes.