a proven system...
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Congratulations on passing your exam!
Now that you have passed your state exam and have completed the “Getting Started” section of this website, now you're ready to accelerate your learning with Vantage Life and our step-by-step process to maximize your earning potential! You will learn the keys to success and how the founders of this agency, with zero prior insurance backgrounds wrote just short of a million dollars in business their first year. If you remain coach-able and you follow this PROVEN SYSTEM you will create a very rewarding career for yourself.
Our market and what we sell.
protecting your clients largest asset is the goal
Their are two basic life insurance products that we sell, Final Expense (Whole Life) and Mortgage Protection (Term Life) policies. Our leads are tailored and marketed to people looking for end-of-life-insurance that will provide cash to "tie-up loose ends and homeowners that have recently made a home purchase or refinanced their mortgage.
Mortgage Protection Insurance (Term Life) is generally ideal for people sixty-four and younger that are relatively healthy. Clients that have health issues may qualify for this product however, they may pay an increased premium due to age and health concerns. After you schedule your first appointments, you will call our friendly and knowledgeable marketing team. They will guide you to the correct product to present to your clients.
Critical Period Coverage (Whole Life) This coverage is for clients that can't qualify for full mortgage payoff. The policy's face amount/benefit is presented as TIME, dividing the clients monthly mortgage payment into the face amount of the policy, resulting in their mortgage payments being made over a specified amount of time, 6, 12, 18, 24 months ect.
Final Expense Insurance (Whole Life) Final expense insurance is an insurance policy used to pay for funeral services and a burial when the named insured dies. Such a policy helps ease the financial burden placed on a family when a loved one dies. Final expense insurance allows the named insured to feel safe knowing that funeral-related expenses are covered regardless of the statutes of their estate at the time of death.
Advanced Markets
After several months selling the basic products, Final Expense and Mortgage Protection Insurance, you will be ready for the EIUL (Equity Indexed Universal Life) market. EIUL training is available via our web classes and/or during your fly-in at company headquarters. Ask your Agency Manager about the Fly-in opportunity.
-Steps to success-
Step 1. Order Leads
Step 2. Preparing to call your leads
We've found, after countless hours of calling, that the best times to and book your appointments, are on Fridays between 3:00-8:30pm and on Saturday Mornings starting at 8:00am until you have the number of appointments that you need for the week. Also Saturday Evenings from 4-6pm, or as we like to call it Happy Hour Dialing, which can be a good time to get some more appts. If you still don’t have the number of appts you need by Saturday night, good calling times would be Sunday afternoon after 1:00pm, weekly mornings starting at 7:30am to about 10:00am and weekly evenings from 5pm-9pm. The most important thing to remember when it comes to appointment setting is to call as much as it takes to set the number of appointments that you need for that week!
NOTE: Sometimes leads will not answer your call because you may have a phone number that displays out-of-area /out-of-sate
Click Here to learn how to setup a FREE in-state or in-area phone number to assist in calling your leads.
Print out the following forms and study them
Activity Report
Activity Report
Mortgage Protection
Mortgage Protection Phone Script
Mortgage Protection Qualification Form
(In-Home) Mortgage Protection Script
(In-Home) Critical Period Coverage Script
Final Expense
Final Expense Phone Script (Call Center Leads)
Final Expense Phone Script (Direct Mail Leads)
Final Expense Qualification Form
(In-Home) Final Expense Script...coming soon
Leaving a message
Handling objections
Step 3. Preparing for your appointments
Once your contracting paperwork is complete you'll have access to our Marketing Department. These six individuals posses the experience and skills to help you in your business. We strongly suggest leaning on them for designing a plan for your client. Our marketing department is open from Weekdays 7am-4pm PST and closed most holidays. Have your clients Qualification Form ready and in-hand before you call the Marketing Department. The Marketing Department will email you quotes and the appropriate applications for your new business.
Marketing Department: 800.997.8661, option #1 then extension #5
Reach out to the following support staff for case design, illustrations or anything marketing and sales related.
Brett Schultz, Marketing Consultant
Email: bschultz@laaminc.com
(800) 997-8661 ext. 555
Step 4. Presenting full mortgage payoff, Critical period and final expense coverage in home
Always remember to create the value and find out their WHY? Now that you are prepared to go into the home, remember that you are there to address a need that your client is or was concerned about. It’s best if you go in with the mindset that you are NOT there to SELL anything, but rather to find out what their concern is for wanting to put coverage in place to protect their family and helping them to customize the coverage that best fits their needs and fits into the budget.
A tip from one of our most successful Agents---
What to say to a client before quoting:
“I will tell you, as I tell everyone of my clients, “budget” is a loaded word, as we all budget for things we see value in. Some people budget $150/mo for a cell phone or $100/mo to watch TV, while others may think $150/mo for a cell phone is crazy, yet those same people may budget $500/mo to go out to eat or even on alcohol. I have made the mistake before, so I am not going to do it again, in terms of determining what VALUE you place on the protection of you and your family or even the value you place on your wife or families life. Rather, I'm going to present all the options you qualify for and then allow You to customize the coverage that best fits YOUR needs and what VALUE you see in it.”
We cannot stress enough that the MAJOR area that most agents fail to do well in the beginning is to REALLY find out and PULL OUT the clients Why. WHY did they fill out this form? WHAT was there concern? “HOW would it look for you (fill in their name) if we were having this conversation without (fill in their spouses name) her and they had passed away yesterday? Would it be tough financially for you to stay in the home or to keep the house?” Most of the time that answer is an astounding YES! “WELL (fill in their name) what would you have to do in order not to lose your home?”
Quoting tool
We have a wonderful online quoting tool that is imperative to your business. Once you're contracted and have spent some time with our marketing department, we'll grant you access to our online quoting tool.
to be continued...